Vocal Coaching, Singing Tips & Lessons

Welcome to my site. It's filled with information about singing, harmonizing, performing, singing lessons, and vocal technique. As you wander through the site you'll find free singing tips and some complimentary download tracks from some of my instructional methods.

I'm also a singer-songwriter--please go here for the Susan Anders Music site. My newest album is 13 Women"Stunning" Noteworthy Music

The Vocal Recovery Warmup
This is my most recent method for singers: A gentle and easy vocal warmup and strengthening method for singers with tired, sick, dry, older, or weak voices.

I'm probably trying to remember the lyrics right now. photography: Chuck Thompson

Singing backup for Brad Cole at the Bluebird Cafe.  photography: Chuck Thompson


Santa Fe 

I moved to Santa Fe in November 2023: it's a soulful small tourist town filled with art and music. I'm teaching less and writing and singing more here. On top of writing/recording my own songs I'm singing in a choir for the first time in many years: The Zia Singers. It's a kick in the pants to be sight-singing again after so long, and both fun and thrilling to be part of a large group singing beautiful contemporary choral works.

Circlesongs with Bobby McFerrin 

I got to study vocal improv and circle singing with the always jaw-dropping master Bobby McFerrin all last week. 200 singers from all over the world gathered in San Francisco to sing and learn. So inspiring.

California Coast Music Camp 

I'm so happy to be teaching at CCMC this July 7-14. Loads of singing and playing all week in the beautiful Carmel Highlands. Everyone gets a little sleep-deprived and slap-happy. I'm teaching two classes all week: songwriting and vocal style. 

Farewell CD Sales Here 

Most singers purchase downloads now and shipping prices keep rising, so I'm no longer going to sell CDs, vocal workouts, and books from this site. I'm sorry if this inconveniences you. All of the physical versions of my methods are available at Amazon.com:

Vocal workouts and books are here at Amazon.com

CDs and CD sets are here at Amazon.com.


Singulair warnings 

Singulair has long been the recommended allergy med of choice for singers since it doesn't dry the vocal cords, unlike many other allergy meds. But recent findings make me much more cautious about recommending it: it now has a 'black box' warning that it can cause depression, sleep issues, and suicide. If allergies are getting in the way of your singing I'd explore alternative remedies first.

Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art 

     I just finished reading James Nestor's fascinating book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art: highly recommended! All singers will benefit from this book. Among many other recommendations, Nestor extols the benefits of nasal breathing, which has also been recommended by numerous cultures around the world for centuries. This is trickier for singers since mouth breathing is faster and often we don't have a lot of time in-between phrases for a nasal breath. But if you read the book I bet you'll be sold on breathing through your nose more often. 
     In the past I've often told singers to breathe through the nose when not singing, and also when warming up if one is having placement issues, has allergies or 'gunkiness' going on, or is singing flat. In the past I said breathe through the mouth when singing the rest of the time since it's faster. I've modified my thinking now: all the time now when warming up I breathe through my nose as much as possible, and when singing [if there's enough time in-between phrases or sections] I take a nose breath in there as well. 
     As singers we've learned to breathe deeply into the diaphragm and we've learned to slow the exhalation as we sing with good breath support. So we're ahead of the rest of the world on these healthy breathing practices. Check out the book and his site and you'll learn some new methods that could change your singing life for the better.

Thanks! "One of the best vocal coaches in Nashville 2022" Expertise.com 

I'm teaching online singing lessons from my new home in Bend now, but Expertise.com has just listed me as one of the best vocal coaches in Nashville for 2022--since I taught in Nashville for almost twenty years and still work with many singers there I guess that makes it legit.

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