Singing Live: Frequently Asked Questions

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I have pretty intense stage fright— will this help me?
Singing Live helps singers with stage fright in several ways. The many research and rehearsal exercises allow shy singers to gradually develop their stagecraft at their own pace, by themselves. This builds confidence and a sense of mastery which can help to alleviate nerves. When you are ready to perform for a real audience, chapters on mental preparation and handling stage fright guide you through the process with lots of nerves-fighting tips and exercises. You'll learn a step-by-step desensitizing process to gradually work through your performing fears. There are also chapters on how to create your own performance support group and on low-pressure gigs, both great environments for shy performing singers.

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I'm auditioning for The Voice in two weeks, will this help me? I don't have time for a whole book right now.
Almost all of the book will help you audition better, but if you're in a hurry just read the Song Selection and Preparing for Auditions chapters. If you have time also read the chapters on Voice Technique and Focus, and read my online article called Singing Audition Checklist.

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I'm already a performing singer, how will this help me?
Many performing singers can still use help clarifying or improving their persona, intention, mic technique, stagecraft, focus, stage patter, lyric interpretation, and repertoire. All of these areas and more are covered in the book.

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Is this just geared for TV competition pop/R&B style singers? That is not my style at all.
Singing Live is valuable for singers in virtually every contemporary musical style. You will not end up looking like a Vegas lounge singer if you are a roots rocker, and vice-versa. See the next question and answer for how this works.

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How can this work for all styles? Punk singers look completely different from country singers when performing.
Before you start performance rehearsals using the Singing Live method, you do a series of exercises to clarify your individual performing style, whether that is punk, country, R&B, speed metal, singer-songwriter or whatever. You also complete several research exercises where you study role model artists from your musical genre. This gives you a very clear criteria of what is and isn't right for your style of music when it comes to performing. You'll use that individualized criteria as you evaluate and polish your own performing skills.

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I need to learn vocal technique— will this help me?
Singing Live does not cover basic vocal technique like correct breathing, singing in tune, volume or range expansion. For that, you should work with Susan's technique programs The No Scales, Just Songs Vocal Workout or Singing With Style.

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I need help with actual performances but I'm just starting out and I'm clueless.
The second half of Singing Live answers many of the questions new performers have. Environments for getting your feet wet with performing are discussed, including open-mic nights, karaoke, piano bars, and more. Mic technique and how to signal a soundperson are also demystified.

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Why is the hard copy version more expensive than the e-book?
There are no paper, production, or shipping costs for the e-book, so the savings is passed on to you.

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Can I see a sample of the book, including the Table of Contents?
Yes, click the 'Add to cart' button below for a free download of a portion of Singing Live, including the Table of Contents and several sample chapters.

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©2024 Zanna Discs/Susan Anders